Friday, September 23, 2005

The Yucca by the pool

Here is a Yucca type of plant which has just flowered. The plant is 8 feet tall, and quite magnificent.

Remarkable flowers Posted by Picasa

Cactus type flower Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Our resident frog

This little chap does his best in keeping us awake at night.

The resident frog Posted by Picasa

Solar heating of the Swimming Pool

This is the system of heating the pool water. The sun's rays heat the water coursing through these rubber pipes, circulating through the filter pump, pool and back through these tubes.

Solar heating Posted by Picasa

New views of Bas Etang flora and fauna

These photos have been taken on a 6MP Minolta by a good friend from England during this summer.

Bas Etang Posted by Picasa

House from the riverside Posted by Picasa

Palm tree by the river Posted by Picasa