Thursday, November 03, 2005

Normal service has resumed

I returned yesterday from hospital after having a nodule removed from a lung. They found that it was calciferous, but not malignant. I'm seeing the surgeon later today to find out more.

The hospital in Poitiers is first class. It is a very large operation, set in massive grounds, with lots of room for expansion. It has the very latest and best equipment sourced from all over the world. During the recovery period I had about 15 nurses working on me, all at different times, depending on their shift. However, the nursing was seamless, to the extent that each one picked up where the other left off, without missing a beat. The staff are scrupulous with their hygiene, and were all very cheerful and keen to help. I am very impressed.

Now that I am back home, I can live pretty much as normal. Though I need to avoid stretching the area where the surgeon's knife has been. The photo on the left shows me exercising with an oxygen bottle that is piped to me through the nose. I'm trying to increase the blood/oxygen level.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!
I guess you can now celebrate XMAS in peace.


Borzou (avec famille)