Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Bridge is magnificent




We've been labouring this week to complete the construction of a new bridge that crosses a little rivulet, and joins two sides of a couple of our fields. Our very good friend, Dennis Hallas, has been the guiding light and inspiration on its design and building. We firstly purchased a 3.5 metres galvanised iron frame from the local "Alliance Pastorale", a farming equipment outlet in the neighbouring village of Benassay. This became the foundation of the bridge, and it straddles the gap completely. The wood covers and conceals the frame, giving the impression that the wood is providing all the support. The total cost of the materials was 270 Euros. The main purpose of the bridge is to carry the John Deere tractor over to the next field (which is effectively an island) for mowing. Previously I had to cross over the next door's bridge to the same land, but that was an inconvenience. I would show a picture of the tractor in the midst of crossing the bridge, but unfortunately it is in the process of being repaired in Poitiers.

If it hadn't have been for Dennis's help, together with Amanda's efforts, the bridge would have remained in my imagination. So, I doff my hat to them both!
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